Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dear Kind Representative of the White House

This week, my friend Shannon sent me an email to tell me that her husband, Dan, will be performing at the White House and asked me if I wanted to come along and get a tour of the White House Garden. WHAT? REALLY? I was so excited and felt so special to be invited. I felt like I got the Golden ticket. I even sent a message via Twitter boasting about my luck. Well, turns out that the tour is open to the public and that I would only get a glimpse of the Kitchen Garden. (yes...i felt a little foolish.) I'm still very excited about going on the garden tour but really, I want to see the Kitchen Garden. Tonight at a DC Food Blogger happy hour, I started to mention my idea of sending a request to the White House for a DC Food Blogger tour. Turns out that food bloggers like this idea. I checked the White House Kitchen Garden Tour website and filled out an application. (They are only giving tours to local schools but I filled out the application anyways.)

School Name: Thrifty DC Cook
School Address:
Principal Name: Sylvie "Real Last Name"
Phone Number: "Real Phone Number"
Principal Contact Info (Email):
Principal Contact Address: "Real Home Address"

Do you have a vegetable garden or a healthy eating program at your school? If so, please describe it in 250 words or less (Here is what I wrote)

Kind Representative of the White House, I am a local DC food blogger and just came from a DC Food Blogging event. The local food bloggers of DC would love to come and visit the White House Kitchen Garden. We are fans of food, we are fans locally produced food, and I believe that many of us would love to spread the word about the White House garden. Please contact me so that we can make arrangements for a tour. With much kindness, Sylvie (Thrifty DC Cook).

I am fully aware that this is a long shot but can you imagine how excited I would be if this works? (silently praying...please let this happen.)

Really, if anyone who knows anyone from the White House is reading this, can you help us Food Bloggers out?


  1. Good Luck Sylvie!

  2. Man, I'd love it if your letter succeeded! Maybe if all of us food bloggers got together and wrote in mass, it would be hard to ignore us?
